1,000 new trees to be planted in Sefton after storm Arwen destruction.

Green Sefton have announced that 1,000 new trees are going to be planted in the area following the devastating effects of storm Arwen.

The trees, which have been donated by The Mersey Forest, will be planted in the coming months with support from community groups.

Ian Moncur, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, congratulated the small Tree and Woodland team on their hard work last weekend following storm Arwen. The team worked through the night managing 100 incidents of damage and fallen trees.

“The aftermath of the storm was heart-breaking to see, with many mature trees falling victim to the extreme winds.

“We will do all we can to ensure that new trees are planted for those sadly lost to the storm, within resources and funding available, but this additional workload will inevitably have an impact on the forthcoming planting season. That is why it is vital that we continue to work alongside community groups and partners to drive forward more planting year on year.”

Southport prides itself on its amazing integrated natural spaces.

Tree planting plays a significant role in carbon capture and reducing the impact of climate change on the planet.

Moncur said: “With an average tree storing around a tonne of carbon in its lifetime, our annual tree planting schedule contributes towards our continued action on climate change. It has a vital role to play in ensuring that the Council reaches it net zero carbon target by 2030.”

Planting more trees and creating more green spaces is also a great way to improve air quality and protect vulnerable residents from air pollution.

National Tree Week is the UK’s largest annual tree celebration, running from Saturday 27 November to Sunday 5 December. The week is coordinated by the Tree Council.

If residents would like to know more about the work of the Tree and Woodland team, or have a request or question about tree planting in their ward, they can email trees@sefton.gov.uk or visit the Council website.

There may be a slightly delayed response from the team at present as they manage an unprecedented workload as a result of Storm Arwen. 

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