£3.4 million pound insulation scheme for low-income homes approved by Sefton Council

This week Sefton Council have approved £3.4 million in funding to help retrofit poorly insulated homes across the borough. The scheme will focus on low-income households which have outdated or inefficient insulation. These households will then benefit from cheaper energy bills and warmer homes. Eligible homes will be identified in the coming weeks and months.Continue reading “£3.4 million pound insulation scheme for low-income homes approved by Sefton Council”

1,000 new trees to be planted in Sefton after storm Arwen destruction.

Green Sefton have announced that 1,000 new trees are going to be planted in the area following the devastating effects of storm Arwen. The trees, which have been donated by The Mersey Forest, will be planted in the coming months with support from community groups. Ian Moncur, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing,Continue reading “1,000 new trees to be planted in Sefton after storm Arwen destruction.”

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